I posted a response to an article on Gizmodo today. I realized that this is something I have implied before but I feel I may need to spell out.
I believe in the core of me that our government is largely controlled by Corporate America. Keep with me here, as this is where it gets tangled. These corporations and special interest groups spend ridiculous amounts of money directing the voting of the Congress. And since I have a lot of difficulty with where this country has been going over the last decade, I feel I can place a lot of the blame squarely on them (as well as Ronald Reagan and Bush Sr. since a lot of the corporate entitlement came during their runs, though Clinton was no saint either).
It occurred to me that when I purchase something from a company I am always trying to determine if it is a company or person that I feel is treating the world in a responsible way. Are they making decisions and acting in a way that I can approve of, or at least tolerate without being angry? If not then I will find an alternative provider. In this sense I think of my expenditure of cash as a 'vote'.
Each dollar I spend is one more going to fuel the corporate machine, and each dollar they spend I feel a responsibility to making sure that it is spent in accordance with my wishes.
I wish everyone treated their purchases with the same due consideration that my family and I do.