Friday, February 11, 2011

Conservative Motivations

It's always disappointing to me to think that my friends who start 'liking' conservative websites might never bother to look at who actually owns the website. One such I just looked at is coming from a lawyer at a big hostile takeover Mergers and Acquisitions firm out of NY. The firm that invented the poison pill defense in fact. I would say lower taxes for the rich is quite personal for them, as well as loser corporate regulation. to whit: whois info:

Andrew Schlafly

hmmm.. ok. wiki:
Not bad... family man, all good.... wait who is this?? his employer??,_Lipton,_Rosen_%26_Katz

my my; talk about self-serving political stances...

total time for revelatory discovery of a person's political motivations: 10 minutes.
And yes I do in fact turn that mirror both directions. I spent substantially more time on George Soros and Julian Assange as their motivations are not nearly as linear (well Soros' isn't. Assange seems to be a narcissist/anarchist so that's easy)